
With coaching at People-In-Process, you develop your maximum personal potential. You gain a competitive advantage through inner empowerment and the ability to obtain your very own key to sustainable happiness and fulfillment.
I wish everyone had the opportunity for coaching like this - then many more people on this planet would be truly happy and fulfilled. I have always been purposeful and successful in everything I have done. Since the coaching, I am now also sustainably happy and feel alive - two feelings that I had lost touch with despite all my determination and drive. I would never have thought that the coaching would boost my personal development so much that I would not only develop in a professional context, but that my private life would also benefit extensively from it.
I can really only recommend the coaching and hope that you too can experience the countless aha moments and the power that the work with Peopel-in-Process unfolds.

S. Kahl | Managing Shareholder, Areal Böhler Betriebs GmbH

A journey to get to know yourself and to draw from the knowledge gained opportunities for personal growth.

Project Manager in Quality Management, Ph.

More than a year ago, we as the second management level together with the management of our company faced the challenge of becoming a team. In the beginning it was a coming together of people with different levels of experience, different character and different points of view. We then decided to work together with Martina and Hugh on us as a team and to improve the cooperation in two separate building blocks.
In the first module, everyone in the team worked mainly on themselves. It was a great insight to gain the view that one's own conditioning, situations in the past very much guide and often hinder one in the daily routine. The two of them have led us to understand how our own conditioning came about through individually adapted methods. Together we also learned methods how to break out of our autopilots and thus have the possibility to experience new things and grow with them.
In the second module we worked as a team on communication and conflict. For this purpose we worked out who in the team speaks and listens at which level of communication. A very helpful tool for the most diverse contexts in everyday business life is the method with the five chairs. A wonderful possibility to observe oneself and others on which level of feelings and emotions one is.
Now in retrospective, I can see in my daily work that we have developed as a team and that the understanding for each other has grown.
Many thanks to both of you!

Klaus Temmel, BSc. MA / ivii gmbh

In coaching we came together and found a different level of communication with each other.
Many changes in the company have been initiated and we come together at regular intervals,
because we have learned from Martina and Hugh that coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is true success.

We would like to thank Martina and Hugh, because without their coaching we would not have got where we are now.
So we look back on enriching appointments and look forward to the following.

Laura Linden | Head of Marketing Walbert-Schmitz GmbH & Co. KG

With conviction we represent the opinion since 1966 to work out phenomenal stuff. The coaching and the long-standing, personal support of Martina and Hugh supports us in ensuring that this motto continues to be valid even in times of accelerating change.

With a lot of empathy, perseverance, courage and proven methodology, the coaches have helped us to develop more understanding for the different personalities in our management team. The tools for responsible leadership in times of upheaval and renewal as well as sustainable communication with the employees have been honed with a lot of foresight and understanding.

The appointments with Martina and Hugh are always an enriching break from everyday life, inspiring and motivating. They also offer a perfect place for honest reflection on one's own actions. Many thanks!

Jens Malms | Chief Sales Officer Walbert-Schmitz GmbH & Co. KG

From module 1 of the team coaching I could personally take a lot with me and put it into practice. It is not always easy to focus on this in everyday life, but the methods and aids learned are so practical that they are easy to apply and help directly. In addition, I have to say that the team has moved a giant piece together after the module. You understand your counterpart much better and you can interpret many things differently. At the end of the day we came out of coaching as a real TEAM and remember the days with you with pleasure back.
From module 2 of the team coaching, we started our daily work full of motivation and positive thoughts. The charisma of the participants immediately affected the whole environment. Since then there has been a much more open, personal and goal-oriented communication than before. Everyday conflicts are mastered with the learned methods, so that many things belong fast to the past, about which before long one discussed. There is again communication in conflict and no conflict in communication.


5 years later the coaching still works or even stronger than ever.
With the knowledge of wanting to shape my next challenge of professional and private nature myself and with the knowledge that some own behavior patterns would be obstructive, I booked the individual coaching after a pleasant telephone call with Martina and Anam Smith. The methods variety and situational perfect selection enabled me to make my own behavior patterns visible, perceptible and usable. In addition, Martina and Anam were able to open my eyes and heart to the potentials of trying out new behavior while leaving the personal comfort zone. These potentials unfold in a self, in dealing with fellow human beings both in a private and a professional context.
A synonym with agriculture describes the focus of coaching from my point of view perfectly: While in usual coaching sessions and seminars tools such as shovels, rakes, ploughs, harrows or gies are used, the focus is on the... If you get to know and use the earth, Martina and Anam will teach you how to deal with the earth selsbt, that is, with yourself. The soil is prepared when the plants can thrive.
Thank you for the instructive, strenuous, cordial and from today's point of view sustainable time.

Peter Stelzer / CEO ivii gmbh

My personal coaching with you was and is an important support to successfully master even the most difficult challenges. My career steps within the last three years from division manager to technical managing director are testimony to your success.

DI Oskar Dorau / Atronic

Without your company PiP and your personal contribution the past challenges would not have been mastered. The comprehensive PiP coaching and methods have thus become an elementary and growing part of our personnel development, conflict resolution and our resilient corporate culture.

Rolf Klug / Gauselman AG

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